Journey to Kampung Naga Village

Kampung Naga is located in area of Neglasari Village, Salawu district, Tasik Malaya, West Java. Kampung Naga is a village where the people holding their tradition very strong and they are believe their ancestors. kapung Naga located not far between the border road Garut and Tasik Malaya. The village located on the fertile valley and most of the people on that village working as farmer.

The name of kampung Naga actually because the village located near the forest named Naga Forest where's the local people believe that on the forest there's lied the grave of their ancestor, named Mbah Singaparna. Thats the reason why Naga forest become sacred for the people. The distance to kampung Naga from Tasik Malaya city approximately about 30kms. But to reach the village we have to climb down the ladder in the wall to the bank of Ciwulan river about 500meters. 

The houses and ponds of the kampung Naga Village

The village view from the hills.

The ladder that need to climb down to the village.
Local People of Kampung Naga

kampung Naga become popular for reseacrch of anthropology studies since the local people in there still holding their tradition and believe in ancestors. The religion of the people in the village is "Sunda Wiwitan". They are Muslim, but still holding their tradition (animism), because they still get Hindu influence on their religion. Because of their tradition also thats why they have different rules for the praying with the Muslim rule. The people only pray once in a week, and in Muslim rule, praying is 5 times in a day. Another side from the local people in there, the people still believe in "ghost". and its not allowed also for the people to talk about their culture and their tradition to the people on day tuesday, wednesday, and saturday. 

Naga forest
In front of the house of the people
In that village, we cant find electricity. The people live from their farm and pond. For water, they have Ciwulan river that they always use for cooking, washing, and their daily activities. In their house, there's no furnished. Its also not allow for the people for making house from cements. thats why they build their house with wood and bamboo. 

thats really wonderful things to learn about Kampung Naga and to see how beautiful their village....

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur located on Borobudur Village, District of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java. Surrounding by beautiful mountain, on the east side of Borobudur is Merapi Mountain and merbabu. Mount Sumbing and and Mount Sindoro on the west coast. And Monoreh mountain on the south side. 

Since year 1991, Borobudur listed as one of the world cultural heritage number 592 by UNESCO. It was discovered for the 1st time by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1812 with the poor condition, covered in bushes until in 1814, Sir Cornelius made efforts for uncovering. In 1834 Kedu resident instructed to clean all the whole site of Borobudur. Started from 1907 to 1911 Theodore van Erp conducted the restoration on Borobudur.

The reason why Borobudur is become popular and famous as the world heritage is because Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world and used to be 7wonders of the world. Another reason why we have to appreciate Borobudur is because Borobudur represent masterpiece of human creative and also exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town planning or landscape design.

Borobudur also a symbol of awakening, a human's journey to enlightenment, depicted within the story of a young pilgrim named Shidarta Gautama (Buddha) who are search for the spiritual awakening. As son of King, Shidarta lived with alot of wealth and power, but when he leave his palace and find the people live with bad situation in poor condition. Finally he decide to gain the highest enlightenment on the true truth. The story describes the spiritual awakening of every human through the process in life.

To enter the temple, we should begin from the east entrance and continue to circle clockwise with the temple on your right and circle it three times. This is the Buddhist tradition of circumambulating three times could be carried out on every level apart from the ground of the temple.

With Ms. Inge and local guide of Borobudur

A short historical vacation to Dutch Cemetary

On September, 7th 2013 i got two amazing tourist from Hollands. An old man came outside with the wheelchair with his son.  They are Schoemaker family. The father is an old man with age about 85years old with limited english but he is very nice and kind, humble, and amazing man. he worked as army on World war II and placed in Indonesia for fighting againts Japan.

On the way during our trip to Jakarta from airport, the son inform me that they are coming to Indonesia only to find his uncle grave, Mr. F. Schoemaker who passed away in Indonesia during the world war II, on 1948 on the young age, 22 years old. So sad. After i heard the story about their purpose to Indonesia,  i offer them to help find the grave, thats really amazing feeling for me to help them find his brother/uncle grave.

Second day his trip in Jakarta, we went to Menteng Pulo Ereveld with the car that we hire from hotel. Because thats not my 1st time to handle Ducth people who wants to visit grave, so thats not too difficult for me to find the grave.  We bought the banquet of flower to put on Mr. F. Schoemaker grave to make the grave became beautiful and to show our respect and gratitude to him. Thats really wonderful feeling to see that finally they can find their family grave. After 64 years, finally they can visit the grave.

When i see they put flower on the grave and praying on the grave and cried, thats the best moment i've ever seen in my life and big happiness for that finally, i can help and accompany them to find part of their family. part of their life. Part of their history.
For Mr. F. Schoemaker.... Rest in Peace for u. May ur soul rest in heaven.....
I know, ur brother and ur nephew loves u alot... thats why they r coming here to Indonesia, from Holland for u.... Only for u.... to see ur grave and to memorize u.....
